Monday, August 6, 2012

Welcome to the Heritage Legacy!

I've tried legacies before and they've never gotten very far...right around the 3rd generation I usually get bored and give up. To be honest, I was never going to even try another until I read the Sari Random Legacy. This legacy doesn't play by the usual old legacy rules, it follows the random legacy rules which are so much more interesting and they give a nice little outline of each generation to work with. I need that outline to stay interested. It takes some of the pressure off of the writer by setting guidelines as to the heir's love life and how many children to have, and even more if you want. With all this nice help, and some amazing inspiration, I think I'm ready to give legacies another go. Of course I'm not following all the rules. My personal rules are posted up top on their own separate page, so if you ever wonder what in the world I'm doing you can always check that out.

Currently I'm waiting for my laptop to get here so until then, I'll just be updating and customizing the legacy blog. If you have a legacy, please leave a comment because I'd love to read it!