Random Legacy Rules

In the beginning:

1.) Set your aging system to the length you decide you’d like. It’s completely up to you on how long each life stage is and how long the total lifespan is. Also set the weather and season length options along with the lunar cycle length. Once you start your legacy this can’t change, so choose wisely.

2.) Make sure that story progression and aging are turned on.

3.) Roll the first generation’s stats.

4.) Create / pick your founding Sim. Traditionally you create this Sim in CAS, but since this is your game, you can also just choose a teen Sim from a pre-existing family and as soon as they age up move them out. If moving a Sim out, make sure you don’t accidentally transfer the family’s money with this Sim. They should have the same starting amount as a created Sim.

5.) Move your founding Sim onto a lot. This lot can be empty, or it can already have a house built on it. It can also be of any size. You can always move to a different lot later if you change your mind or need a larger lot.

The Rules:

1.) Since this is a legacy challenge, it ends with the birth of generation 11. At this point you don’t have to quit playing as a legacy, but this is the time when you can go back and change the last name, lifespan, and other things like that.

2.) No cheating! This means no money cheats, no mood cheats, nothing that means you aren’t legit taking care of your little Sims and making them earn it.

3.) No aging Sims up early. You have to wait until you get a little pop-up that today is their birthday to use a cake, or just wait for the sparkles to hit.

4.) For each generation, you must have an heir. Preferably one directly related to the founder, but if you really want to an adopted child or a step-child can be used.

5.) Every generation, you must roll for that generation’s stats and stick to them.
  • You do have one free re-roll if you don’t like what you roll, any other re-rolls must be earned by choosing to take on an added misc. generation challenge, as you may get lucky and land an extra re-roll.

6.) No merging other households with your legacy household at any time as this gives you more money.

7.) This isn't an actual rule, just a suggested one. Enable laundry the first day by placing a laundry hamper on the lot.

8.) You can’t restart the game without saving just because something happens that you don’t like. If it happens, you just have to do the best you can with what you get.

9.) This is your legacy! Do pretty much whatever you want. Bring ghosts back to life, add in other kinds of Sims (vampires, mummies, etc.), use death flowers and life fruit, anything you want! I always thought limiting that kind of stuff was beyond stupid. Get creative. And have fun!

*If something goes wrong with your savegame, you may do whatever you have to in order to save your legacy. This is the one time it’s okay to revert to a previous save file or cheat.

The Rolls:

*As soon as the 1st child of the generation is conceived (your Sim begins to show), you must roll the stats for that generation (either the whole generation or the individual child). The number you roll matches to a number under the category. Roll once for each category as each category has a different amount of numbers. To do so I suggest using the true random number generator which is incredibly self-explanatory.

Family Structure

1.) Single parent – Your heir must raise the kids by themselves, with no other adult present in the household. They can be romantically involved with another Sim, have them spend the night, and all that good stuff. Just no moving another adult Sim in.

They may have another adult Sim living with them before the 1st child is born, but once the child is born the other Sim must be moved out or killed off, however you feel like getting rid of them.

2.) Couple – Your heir must have a romantic partner living with them in the house while raising the kids. This partner doesn't have to be the parent of the kids, and they don’t have to be married.

3.) Step-children – It’s exactly like the couple above, with the added requirement that the romantic partner must have at least one child by another Sim. Their children count toward the total number of children the generation must have. If you roll a one for your number of children, you must roll again.

4.) Single parent with “help” – You may not move in a romantic partner. Instead move in a friend, sibling, relation, etc. to help raise the children. Any children your “help” has counts toward the total number of children the generation must have, so if you roll a one they can’t have a child.

5.) Second chance – This is similar to couple, with the added requirement that your Sim must have two partners over the course of his / her generation. Each partner must have at least boyfriend / girlfriend status and must be moved in at some point. Your Sim must also have a child by each partner, so if you rolled a one for the total number of children the generation must have, you must roll again.

You may get rid of the 1st partner however you wish after breaking things off with them. Either kill them off or move them out, just get them out!

6.) Couple with “help” – This is a combination of couple and single with “help”. Your heir must have a romantic partner living with them in the house while raising the kids. This partner doesn't have to be the parent of the kids, and they don’t have to be married. There must also be “help” in the form of a non-romantic Sim moved in, exactly like in single with help. This Sim must only be non-romantic with the heir…do with that what you will. And once again any children the “help” has does count toward the number of children the generation must have, so if you rolled a one they can’t have a child.

7.) Full house – Your heir must have three other adults living with them in the household. They can be whatever you want to your heir. Two couples, a couple and two friends of theirs, whatever. All children any of them have count toward the total number of children the generation must have, so if you roll a one only the heir may have a child, and if you roll a five you must roll again as you can only have eight Sims in a single household.

*All family structure restrictions lift once the last child becomes a teen.

Number of Children

1.) 1

2.) 2

3.) 3

4.) 4

5.) 5

*If you want to further challenge yourself, you can also roll another number after rolling your number of children. The number you rolled is the child who will be your heir. (For example, you roll that this generation will have 4 children. You then roll 1 – 4 and get a 3. The 3rd child born is the heir.)

Misc. Generation Challenge (Optional)

1.) Perfect careers – The jobs of the heir and spouse must be at the highest level.

2.) Fulfilled – The lifetime wish of the heir and spouse must be completed.

3.) Perfectionist – The heir must max one skill.

4.) Random traits – All traits must be random.

5.) No strangers – You can’t hire any NPCs. No handymen, maids, butlers, babysitters, food delivery people…the exception is firefighters as they automatically show up if a fire alarm goes off.

6.) Multi-cultural – The spouse must be from either a vacation destination or a different species. I'd also allow a Sim that has been created by someone else, wouldn't another computer count as a whole different world?

7.) Half-siblings – No two children (with the exception of twins and triplets) can have the same father / mother.

8.) Extra re-roll – You've taken the chance of making your generation extra challenging and have been rewarded with an extra re-roll! You may roll again if you still wish for an extra challenge.

9.) It’s so YOU – Redo the bedrooms of the current members of the household as well as any children born to match their personal tastes.

10.) Expansionist - Add a new part of the house! It can either be a new room, a garden, a pool...the possibilities are endless. You just have to add a new structure or area to your existing lot.

11.) Traveler - At some point the heir must travel to a different world. This can be done in several different ways. Take a vacation, go to college for a semester, move to a new world, or travel into the future; it's up to you!

Legacy Goals (Optional):

1.) Remember the past – Create a painting, photograph, or sculpture of every heir and keep them in the house.

2.) Pet legacy – Pets are Sims too! Raise 10 generations of pets along with your Sims.

3.) Family museum – Make a special place to honor your family. Represent each heir in any way you can think of. Pictures of them and their spouses and children, diplomas, awards, books written by them, pictures painted by them, even their tombstones can all be added. It’s really whatever you want it to be.

4.) Wish upon a different star – Each heir must reach the top of a different career or fulfill a different lifetime wish, you choose which.

5.) The town is yours – Through the generations remodel as much of the town as possible, perhaps using your Sims’ tastes and favorite things.

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